
1. 申请信用卡



- Apply for a credit card(申请信用卡)

- Application form (申请表格)

- Personal information (个人信息)

- Annual fee (年费)

- Credit limit (信用额度)


A: Hi, I’d like to apply for a credit card.

B: Sure. Do you have an application form with you?

A: No, I don’t. Can I have one?

B: Certainly. May I know your name, please?

A: My name is Tom Johnson.

B: Thank you. Can you provide some personal information, such as your date of birth and social security number?

2. 询问信用卡信息


- What’s the annual fee for this card? (这张卡的年费是多少?)

- What’s the interest rate? (利率是多少?)

- Does this card have cashback rewards? (这张卡有返现奖励吗?)

- Is there any sign-up bonus? (有没有注册奖励?)

- How to redeem points? (如何兑换积分?)


A: Excuse me, can you tell me about the annual fee for this card?

B: Yes, there’s a $50 annual fee.

A: How about the interest rate?

B: It’s 20%.

A: Does this card have cashback rewards or any sign-up bonus?

B: Yes, it offers 2% cashback on all purchases, and you can earn a $100 sign-up bonus.

A: Great. And how can I redeem my points if I use this card?

B: You can redeem them through our app or website.

3. 报告丢失或盗刷


- Lost/stolen credit card (丢失/被盗刷信用卡)

- Unauthorized charges (未授权的费用)

- Fraudulent activity (欺诈行为)

- Freeze/cancel the card (暂停/取消信用卡)

- Dispute a charge (申诉费用)


A: Hi, I found out that my credit card is missing. What should I do?

B: You should freeze it immediately. Can you tell me when and where you last used the card?

A: I used it last night at a restaurant nearby.

B: Have you noticed any unauthorized charges on your account?

A: Not yet.

B: Okay, I’ll freeze the card for now and send you a new one. Please monitor your account and report any suspicious activity to us. You can also dispute any fraudulent charges using our app or website.

4. 延期还款


- Can I request a payment extension? (我可以申请延期还款吗?)

- I’ll pay the minimum amount first. (我会先支付最低额度。)

- Can you waive the late payment fee? (能否免除滞纳金?)

- How long can I delay the payment? (我能拖多久才还款?)

- I’ll settle the payment as soon as possible. (我会尽快还清欠款。)


A: Hello, I’m afraid I won’t be able to pay my credit card bill on time.

B: Okay. Can I have your account number, please?

A: Sure. It’s 123456789.

B: How much do you owe, and when is the due date?

A: I owe $2000, and the due date is tomorrow.

B: I see. You can request a payment extension online or through our app. I can also waive the late payment fee for you.

A: Thank you. How long can I delay the payment?

B: You can delay it for up to 30 days.

A: I’ll settle the payment as soon as possible.

B: Please try to pay more than the minimum amount to avoid more interest charges.

5. 洛杉矶旅游信用卡对话场景


A: Hi, I’d like to purchase some attraction tickets.

B: Okay. Which attractions are you interested in?

A: I want to visit Universal Studios and the Griffith Observatory.

B: Got it. You can buy Universal Studios tickets online and get a discount with our card. The Griffith Observatory is free, but we offer a special tour for cardholders.

A: That sounds great. I’ll take the tour.

B: Sure. The tour starts at 1 pm. What’s your name and card number?

A: My name is Sarah Johnson, and my card number is 987654321.

B: Thank you. You can pick up your tickets and tour pass at our booth at Universal Studios.

6. 付钱


- Please charge my card. (请刷卡。)

- What’s the total amount? (总金额是多少?)

- Could I pay by cash? (我可以用现金支付吗?)

- Is there any minimum spending amount? (需要达到最低消费金额吗?)

- Can I have the receipt? (能给我一份收据吗?)


A: Hi, I’d like to pay my credit card bill.

B: Sure. What’s your account number?

A: It’s 123456789.

B: The total amount is $1200. Please confirm.

A: Yes, I confirm that.

B: Do you want to pay by cash or card?

A: I want to use the card.

B: Okay. Can you insert or swipe the card, please?

A: Sure. Here it is.

B: Thank you. Would you like a receipt?

A: Yes, please.



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