




faith 信任(名词)trust、believe(动词)
believe in sb


3,信誉 是什么 意思

无比重要. 信誉观 树立和维护企业的良好信誉形象 ,是公共关系的 重要职能之一。信誉是指企业在市场上的威信和影响 以及在公众心目中的地位和形象 ,是企业经营思想、 经营作风、服务质量的本质体现。良好的信誉是企业 的立身之本 ,兴旺之根 ,是无形资产 ,无价资源 ,是创 造名牌的基石。正因为信誉如此高贵与难求 ,才使得 中外无数有战略眼光的企业家和经营管理者 ,倍加重 视信誉观念的确立 ,倍加注重对企业信誉形象的维护 与提升。现代企业实行名牌战略 ,必须确立牢固的信 誉观念。而良好信誉的赢得 ,必须以优质产品与优质 服务为基础。否则 ,树立信誉则无从谈起 ,优质产品是 企业的命脉 ,是创名牌的核心内容。

信誉 是什么 意思


The research group of Central University of Finance and Economics led by Professor Mr.LI Jian Jun had investigated 2 175 SMEs in 17 provinces and received 1789 balid questionnaires.According to this survey,the informal finance size for SMEs in East is smaller than those in Centre and in West,but the informal finance in East has more support in SMEs businesses and production.This reflects that the informal finance has been mainly used in SMEsbusiness and development in East,however in Centre and in West,many SMEs have raised illegal funds and worked as the intermediaries for others. According to empirical analysis by MOLNAR and TANAKA,receivables in firmsbalance sheets serve as valuable collateral for their borrowing in informal financial markets.The size of receivables is an important determinant of informal borrowing.Concerning the regional dimension, only in Eastern region where the private sector is the mostflourishing, the coefficient on receivables is significant.Within the coastal provinces the private sector is particularly important and informal financial institutions are widespread.The coefficient on receivables in this region is especially high,indicating that there is an effective market for receivables in these provinces.The results of estimation also suggest that theselectivity due to ac

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