
1,根据公司的英文名称PUBGO征集 中文名称




n. 酒馆,客栈


3,PUBGO步步高鞋怎么样步步高鞋商贸有限公司 是这个公司的名字

你找的是香港步步高旗下的深圳步步高鞋商业有限公司吧? 网上常说的步步高女鞋和千禧步步高鞋就是你说的这个牌子了。现在只有在深圳有了



泡吧.. kill time in a bar(Internet or wine)
sink into inner
go to pub, go to nightclub

5,pub hotel 有什么区别

Pub 是指酒吧,俱乐部,休闲、娱乐的场所,但是不可以住宿休息。Hotel是指酒店,可以住宿的。
inn noun [c]1 uk a pub where you can stay for the night, usually in the countryside2 us a small hotel, usually in the countryside3 inn used in the names of some hotels and restaurantspub uk noun [c] (formal public house)a building in britain where alcoholic drinks can be bought and drunk and where food is often available:do you want to go to (informal go down) the pub after work?-our local pub-a pub lunch.hotelnoun [c]a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can eat meals:-a 4-star hotel-the clarendon hotel-we stayed in/at a hotel on the seafront.-hotel guestsin australian sometimes a hotel is a pub. in austraila we can go to a hotel to have a few drinks (beers). hotel still means "a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in" as well though. this usage of hotel is not used in america i think.
Pub:来源与public,所以是指酒吧,茶社、舞厅,俱乐部,沙龙等公共场所。 Hotel是指酒店,旅馆。

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